





2024 - 2024
Yosr solution
Mobile App Development


The need to facilitate communication and provide services to pilgrims registered with Hajj companies participating in the Yosr system.


We provided An application that works in compatibility with the Yosr system, the first comprehensive technical solution to serve domestic pilgrims companies. The Yosr application allows pilgrims registered with the Hajj company participating in the Yusr system and its supervisors to benefit from the application’s functions. After verifying the pilgrim’s identity, the logo of the company with which the pilgrim is registered appears on the home page and saying hello, the Yosr application displays a set of functions Pusch Notification sent by the company with which the pilgrim is registered, and includes all types sent to the pilgrim. Update pilgrim data Responding to questionnaires submitted by the Hajj company in which the pilgrim is registered Access to Hajj Company’s links: Company page on the web Hajj company email address The company's geographical location is Mina Camp, Arafa and Muzdalifah All links to the company's social media applications are subject to availability Prayer times according to the user's location.


Update pilgrim data
The Yosr application allows pilgrims to easily update their data and personal information after verifying their identity.
Access to Hajj company links
The Yosr application provides access to links related to the Hajj company participating in the Yusr system, such as the company's web page, email address, and geographical location in Mina Camp, Arafa, and Muzdalifah.
Prayer times according to the user's location and the Quran
The Yosr application allows pilgrims to listen to and read the Quran along with displaying prayer times, making it easier for them to perform prayers at the right time during their journey.

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